This blog has languished. There are many reasons. I'll list a few below. But I recently happened upon some wisdom I turn to often these days: "Justification is the enemy of intention (and leads to self-sabotage)".
INTENTION: I'll write a blog on personal and planet health! JUSTIFICATION for not writing: Life, priorities, overwhelm.
So, join me in forgiving yourself if you've ever had the very best of intentions but still screwed up and didn't follow through. Forgive and get on with it.
I admit, climate change is a HUGE and OVERWHELMING topic and my tendency to want to be well-researched and thorough meant that each time I thought of a topic to write about, I was drowned in a sea of too much information! It felt like I was back in school contemplating the daunting assignment of writing a term paper. With footnotes. And it's so "science-y"! That part of my brain goes to sleep at times. Also a whole raft of personal issues sort of took priority. Staying alive and functioning takes some time and energy. Go figure.
So, this time....I'm giving myself permission to write here without expectation of brilliance or even regularity. When it comes to climate issues, I'm NOT an expert and I am NOT going to write 3,000 words on forest management and wildfire prevalence or whatever. I'm going to chat about climate related topics, offer some personal story experiences, maybe share a few tips or resources and call it good. The main thing is to raise awareness, hopefully form some community and conversation around this topic. I hope you are "in" with that.
I'll also throw in some posts about personal health because our bodies are part of the planet and it's all connected. I find that amongst my age cohort -- older adult -- personal health is a popular and necessary topic. We can all be each other's support and resource.
Some posts will be about healthy human bodies; some about the natural environment; some about both; and all about health in general and its benefits for self, others, nature, and the future of Earth.
Stay tuned....I'll be back. This time I mean it!!!
Here's to health, for ourselves and our planet...©